WebDriver is a w3c standard to handle test automation on the most popular browsers. GXtest takes advantage of this standard while providing an abstraction layer in GeneXus to create UI tests.
There are 3 main functions to start a new UI test. By default, all tests will run in a local browser using a driver unless you specify the opposite:
If you don't specify a browser type inside your test (using the SetBrowser function) the test will run using the Knowledge Base property that is set under the Test section:
As a good practice if you want to run tests on another browser, change this property instead of setting the browser type inside the test.
Sets the browser type to be used in the test.
- browser: A string with browser type (you can use Browsers domain for this purpose like the example)
Examples of use:
Note: As mentioned, it is recommended to avoid using this function and change the default browser property in the KB properties instead.
Gets the current browser set.
- the browser where the test is running on
Examples of use:
if &driver.GetBrowser() = Browsers.Firefox
// do something only when the browser is Firefox
Starts a test session using WebDriver
Example of use:
Ends a test session using WebDriver
Example of use:
To run tests on any remote web driver node (Selenium node or Cloud), you can use these 2 functions:
Adds a desired capability for a WebDriver node. It allows to set browser preferences by prefixing the pref:: in the capabilityName parameter too.
- capabilityName: A capability key name.
- capabilityValue: The capability desired value.
Returns: n/a
Example of use:
&driver.AddCapability("AddExtension","thePathToExtension\fileName.crx") // to add an extension
&driver.AddCapability("UnhandledPromptBehavior", "Dismiss") // to choose the behavior when an alert is shown
For downloading PDF files without prompting in Chrome:
&driver.AddCapability("pref::download.prompt_for_download", "false")
&driver.AddCapability("pref::list::plugins.plugins_disabled", "Chrome PDF Viewer")
&driver.AddCapability("pref::plugins.always_open_pdf_externally", "true")
&driver.AddCapability("browserName", "MicrosoftEdge")
&driver.AddCapability("platform", "Windows 10")
&driver.AddCapability("version", "16.16299")
Sets browser's start arguments, e..g. --headless to run without the graphic interface. It must be used before the start command. For more information about available options check Arguments property
- Arguments: browser arguments separated by spaces.
Example of use:
&driver.SetArguments("--headless --incognito")
Sets a remote WebDriver node URL to spin remote browsers.
- url: The remote WebDriver node URL.
Example of use: