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GeneXus Server has available a Syndication Service for each Knowledge Base it hosts, that can be enabled by checking the "RSS Enabled" property in the Advanced Tab from the GeneXus Server Security Section.
When enabled, the available RSS icon is shown in each Knowledge Base in the GeneXus Server Console in it's GeneXus Server Home Section, just open the Knowledge Base and click on the RSS icon to get to the associated feed service.

GeneXus X Server main page - IE

Revisions service

This service returns all revisions done to a Knowledge Base. To subscribe to this feed you can use your favorite feed reader, just copy the URL displayed in the RSS Icon next to each Knowledge Base.
For each Knowledge Base the Feed URL is generated as follows:



For example, for the can3 the URL of the RSS feed service is:

If we open the URL with IE we get the feed formatted as follows:

GXServer RSS Revisions

And the actual XML content returned by the service is the following:

<rss xmlns:a10="" version="2.0">
  <title>Knowledge Base: 'GxWiki' Version: 'GxWiki'</title>
  Retrieves revisions from the Knowledge Base 'GxWiki', version 'GxWiki' hosted by GeneXus Server
  <category>GeneXus Server</category>
   <guid isPermaLink="false">4c7ec33f-f2f1-4bf1-b222-94f6960d461e</guid>
    EA - Se agregan pequeños cambios a realizar en version 4.0
    EA - Se agregan pequeños cambios a realizar en version 4.0<br/><br/><font color='#616D7E'>Objects changed:</font><ul><li>Document Minor Features. Modified on 4/15/2012 5:52:44 PM</li></ul>By GXTechnical\user163 on Sunday, April 15, 2012 at 6:02:05 PM
    <pubDate>Sun, 15 Apr 2012 18:02:05 Z</pubDate>
   <guid isPermaLink="false">70cd5e9b-18c7-4cee-aeb9-350c630b08de</guid>
   <title>EA - Se borran dominios no usados.</title>
    EA - Se borran dominios no usados.<br/><br/><font color='#616D7E'>Objects changed:</font><ul><li>Domain GeneratorID. Deleted on 4/8/2010 1:40:21 PM</li><li>Domain IndexCall. Deleted on 8/10/2007 11:18:48 PM</li><li>Domain Number6. Deleted on 5/26/2008 3:15:25 PM</li><li>Domain Property_Value. Deleted on 8/10/2007 11:18:48 PM</li><li>Domain TabImageName. Deleted on 8/10/2007 11:18:48 PM</li><li>Domain TimePeriod. Deleted on 8/10/2007 11:18:48 PM</li><li>Domain KbTypeWSArrayOfKBVersionData. Deleted on 2/10/2009 11:44:04 AM</li><li>Domain KbTypeWSArrayOfstring. Deleted on 2/10/2009 11:44:05 AM</li><li>Domain KbTypeWSArrayOfModelTemplateData. Deleted on 2/10/2009 11:44:05 AM</li></ul>By GXTechnical\user163 on Sunday, April 15, 2012 at 5:24:14 PM
    <pubDate>Sun, 15 Apr 2012 17:24:14 Z</pubDate>

Subordinate to the <rss> element is a single <channel> element, which contains information about the channel (metadata) and all its contents. The subordinate items for <channel> are:

  • Title: The name of the channel. It's how the service is referred.
  • Description: a sentence is describing the channel.
  • managingEditor: address of responsible for editorial content.
  • Category:  specifies one or more categories that the channel belongs to.

Where each revision is represented by an item, and each item has the following nodes:

  • Guid: A string that uniquely identifies the item. The guid element has an attribute named "isPermaLink", this value is always false, meaning the guid may not be assumed to be a URL.
  • Author: the user who made the commit operation.
  • Title: the comment included by the user when the commit operation was made.
  • description: a complete description of the operation, including the comment and all the objects related to the commit operation, with its dates and user.
  • pubDate: the date in which the commit operation was made.
  • a10:updated: the post update date. 

From GeneXus IDE you could also get this information using the Team Development History dialog.

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