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This is a list of issues that could happen when working with Lock Mode, and instructions to solve them.

1. Differences with GeneXus and GeneXus Server instances.

If the GeneXus instance is newer than the GeneXus Server instance, the following error messages will be displayed during a Create KB From server operation when the selected KB enables locking.
========== Create Knowledge Base started ==========
Importing Theme 'GeneXusXEv2'... Failed
error: Object 'GeneXusXEv2' cannot be saved.
Theme 'GeneXusXEv2' isn't Locked or Force Edited
error: Object 'English' cannot be saved.
Language 'English' isn't Locked or Force Edited
Updating KnowledgeBase

2. Opening a Knowledge Base, which uses Lock Mode on a machine which doesn't have access to the GeneXus Server instance.

Error message:

  • <Object Name> was modified and isn't locked. What do you want to do?


  • Lock It
  • Force Save
  • Cancel Save

If a Knowledge Base which is connected to a GeneXus Server instance is copied to a computer which doesn't have access to the GeneXus Server instance, some considerations must be taken into account.

For example, if an object was locked in the original Knowledge Base, when trying to save an object in the new Knowledge Base a dialog will be displayed. However, even if you select the Lock it option the Knowledge Base will continue to work fine, because none of the objects can be locked in that Knowledge Base. To do so, please execute a Disconnect From Server operation.

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