Data Providers can fill recursive structures, either directly or through recursive calls.
Consider an 'Employee' transaction with the following structure:
BossId subtype of EmployeeId
BossName subtype of EmployeeName
Suppose it is necessary to load an employee's information into a structure (for example to send it as a parameter to another object). First, the SDT should be defined as follows:
Note that this is a Recursive SDT. Then, a Data Provider receiving the employee will solve the problem:
Output: EmployeeSDT
Collection: False
Parm( &EmployeeId );
This is a recursive Data Provider. DPLoadEmployee is calling itself to fill the recursive member of the EmployeeSDT. For example, the XML output (DPLoadEmployee( 123 ).toXML()) would be:
<Name>John Doe</Name>
<Name>Mary Shelley</Name>
<Name>Ernest Jackson</Name>
Now suppose that given an employee, you have to Output all his/her subordinates (direct or indirect), as shown below:
<Name>Mary Shelley</Name>
<Name>John Doe</Name>
<Name>Camile Green</Name>
This can be easily done with a Data Provider.
First, it is necessary to define the Output structure (this is done using an SDT):
Second, the Data Provider itself is:
Name: DPLoadSubordinates
Output: SubEmployees
Rules: parm(&BossId)
Id = EmployeeId
Name = EmployeeName
Subordinates = DPLoadSubordintates( EmployeeId )
Note that this is a recursive Data Provider (DPLoadSubordinates is calling itself).