It's a REST service to obtain an OAuth 2.0 authorization token.
The endpoint is: https://<domain>/<virtual_directory>/oauth/access_token
client_id: Client ID of the application.
grant_type: Authentication type name.
scope: Scope of the user account you wish to access. Check possible Scopes: OAuth User Scopes
username: Username of the account you wish to access.
password: Password of the account you wish to access.
&addstring = "client_id=be47d883307446b4b93fea47f9264f88&grant_type=GAMLocal&scope=gam_user_data&username=test&password=test"
&getstring = &urlbase + "/oauth/access_token"
&httpclient.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
&httpclient.Execute("POST", &getstring)
&httpstatus = &httpclient.StatusCode // &httpstatus is defined as a Numeric(X.0) variable where 4<X<=9
&result = &httpclient.ToString() //&result is defined as a LongVarChar variable
"access_token": "ae47229f-e133-42d1-87e0-c5ac59e51edf!a90817ee94932e905b6fada72bf83dbef4605e2bacbe850f6a684bb3a7b072a6860b2ee76d20d6",
"token_type": "Bearer",
"expires_in": 180,
"refresh_token": "001mebXeCSJY0Pb9nMsBoVIYAvbwAhbHw5FqK1e",
"scope": "FullControl+gam_user_info",
"user_guid": "eeb8bc39-b7dc-4169-8eb7-ffee95386876"
First step
client_id: Client ID of the application.
grant_type: Authentication type name.
scope: Scope of the user account you wish to access. Check possible Scopes: OAuth User Scopes
username: Username of the account you wish to access.
password: Password of the account you wish to access.
additional_Parameters: Both OTPStep and UseTwoFactorAuthentication are necessary.
&addstring = 'client_id=be47d883307446b4b93fea47f9264f88&grant_type=GAMLocal&scope=gam_user_data&username=test&password=test&additional_parameters="AuthenticationTypeName":"Local","OTPStep":"1","Repository":"","UseTwoFactorAuthentication":"false","Properties":[{}]}'
&getstring = &urlbase + "/oauth/access_token"
&httpclient.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
&httpclient.Execute("POST", &getstring)
&httpstatus = &httpclient.StatusCode //&httpstatus is defined as a Numeric(X.0) variable where 4<X<=9
&result = &httpclient.ToString() //&result is defined as a LongVarChar variable
First step response
The first step returns status code 202 and error 410:
"error": {
"code": "410",
"message": "To enter app, the second authentication factor must be validated."
Second Step
client_id: Client ID of the application.
grant_type: Authentication type name.
scope: Scope of the user account you wish to access. Check possible Scopes: OAuth User Scopes
username: Username of the account you wish to access.
additional_Parameters: Both OTPStep and UseTwoFactorAuthentication are necessary.
&addstring = 'client_id=be47d883307446b4b93fea47f9264f88&grant_type=GAMLocal&scope=gam_user_data&username=test&password=OTP_Value&additional_parameters="AuthenticationTypeName":"Local","OTPStep":"2","Repository":"","UseTwoFactorAuthentication":"true","Properties":[{}]}'
&getstring = &urlbase + "/oauth/access_token"
&httpclient.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
&httpclient.Execute("POST", &getstring)
&httpstatus = &httpclient.StatusCode //&httpstatus is defined as a Numeric(X.0) variable where 4<X<=9
&result = &httpclient.ToString() //&result is defined as a LongVarChar variable
Second Step response
"access_token": "72fef4c4-bb13-418b-9eee-92cbc18ed846!9153eaf0277241ef38de08ea5a7adf47d08ed29144e90c2ab46da38bb02a441b21273ee3ac56e4",
"token_type": "Bearer"
"expires_in": 0,
"refresh_token": "",
"scope": "FullControl",
"user_guid": "63d9f144-f4e1-4f9e-a49e-ba0a12892544"
First Step
client_id: Client ID of the application.
grant_type: Authentication type name.
scope: Scope of the user account you wish to access. Check possible Scopes: OAuth User Scopes
username: Username of the account you wish to access.
password: Password of the account you wish to access.
&addstring = 'client_id=be47d883307446b4b93fea47f9264f88&grant_type=GAMLocal&scope=gam_user_data&username=test&password=test&additional_parameters="AuthenticationTypeName":"Local","Repository":"","Properties":[{}]}'
&getstring = &urlbase + "/oauth/access_token"
&httpclient.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
&httpclient.Execute("POST", &getstring)
&httpstatus = &httpclient.StatusCode //&httpstatus is defined as a Numeric(X.0) variable where 4<X<=9
&result = &httpclient.ToString() //&result is defined as a LongVarChar variable
First step response
"error": {
"code": "400",
"message": "An email was sent with your access code"
client_id: Client ID of the application.
grant_type: Authentication type name.
scope: Scope of the user account you wish to access. Check possible Scopes: OAuth User Scopes
username: Username of the account you wish to access.
&addstring = 'client_id=be47d883307446b4b93fea47f9264f88&grant_type=GAMLocal&scope=gam_user_data&username=test&password=OTP_Value&additional_parameters="AuthenticationTypeName":"Local","Repository":"","Properties":[{}]}'
&getstring = &urlbase + "/oauth/access_token"
&httpclient.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
&httpclient.Execute("POST", &getstring)
&httpstatus = &httpclient.StatusCode //&httpstatus is defined as a Numeric(X.0) variable where 4<X<=9
&result = &httpclient.ToString() //&result is a variable based on the LongVarchar data type.
Second Step response
"access_token": "72fef4c4-bb13-418b-9eee-92cbc18ed846!9153eaf0277241ef38de08ea5a7adf47d08ed29144e90c2ab46da38bb02a441b21273ee3ac56e4",
"token_type": "Bearer"
"expires_in": 0,
"refresh_token": "",
"scope": "FullControl",
"user_guid": "63d9f144-f4e1-4f9e-a49e-ba0a12892544"
The endpoint is: https://<domain>/<virtual_directory>/oauth/access_token
Content-Type: Type of the content that will be returned. Use application/x-www-form-urlencoded
client_id: Client ID of the application, required.
client_secret: Client Secret of the application, required.
grant_type: must be "refresh_token.", required.
refresh_token: refresh_token received when requesting the access_token obtained in Step 2, required.
POSTMAN Example:
In response, you will receive a JSON with the following format:
"access_token": "85a3006c-0606-41d2-980e-223f88463ec2!b1b3e778247c870560d49d17ffd514a2a8467747208b1cf4a641780a267466bc65fba8034c9bbc",
"token_type": "Bearer",
"expires_in": 180,
"refresh_token": "002b9ec850f78b845d883779fa52c91a01",
"scope": "gam_user_data",
"user_guid": "139f4332-3f40-47b0-8fb4-ee7b3dbddc4f"
When to call the Refresh Token
When a Rest service is called and the access token has expired, 401 and Error 103 are returned. If this happens and there is a Refresh Token saved, it can be used as detailed above; otherwise, a new Access Token must be requested.
POSTMAN Example:
In response, you will receive a JSON with the following format:
"error": {
"code": "103",
"message": "Token expired, log in again."