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This article explains how to authenticate your users with LinkedIn using GeneXus Access Manager (GAM).

1. Enter to the GAM's Backend and go to the Authentication Types section. Create a new OAuth 2.0 Authentication Type and in General section define basic information like: Name, Description, Images (optional), etc.

2. In the Configuration section you need to define the following for the General, Authorization, Token and User Information tab:


Client ID:     client_id       Value: <clientid>
Client Secret: client_secret   Value: <clientsecret>
Redirect URL:  redirect_uri    Value: https://<server>/webapp


Response type:  response_type    Value: code
Scope:          scope            Value: r_emailaddress+r_liteprofile
State:          state
Include ClientID and RedirectURL
Access code TAG: code
Error description TAG: error_description


Header Cotent type: Content-type   Value: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Grant type:         grant_type     Value: authorization_code
Include All
Access token TAG: access_token
Expires in TAG: expires_in
Refresh Token TAG: Not available for this Provider. When the token expires, it cannot be refreshed.
Error description TAG: error_description
Validate external token = True   // When the token expires, the GAM session ends.
Refresh token URL = leave it empty. Uses the same URL used to ask for a Token. 

User Information

Method: Get
Header Content type: Content-type    Value: application/json;charset=utf-8
NOTHING is included
Additional parameters: format=json
Email TAG: emailAddress
External ID TAG: id
Name TAG:  emailAddress
First name TAG: firstName
Last name TAG: lastname
URL image TAG: pictureUrl
Error description TAG: error_description

3. Click on the following link to see LinkedIn documentation about OAuth 2.0 protocol, and more information about the configuration.


As of GeneXus 15 Upgrade 11.

See Also

GAM - OAuth 2.0 Authentication Type


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