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This article describes the GeneXus Access Manager (GAM) Endpoints in order to explain authentication with GAM as IDP using the OAuth 2.0 protocol

Unlike the article HowTo: Use GAM as an OAuth 2.0 provider where this concept is applied within GAM itself, this article explains how it can be used by any external client.

OAuth 2.0 REST service flow with GAM Endpoints as IDP (Identity Provider):




The possible endpoints to authenticate with GAM as IDP are as follows:

1. Access Token
2. User Info
3. Refresh Token

1. Access Token

access_token: Sends the user credentials to get a new Token.





Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded. Type of content that will be returned.

Body in Postman

                     Tag                                                Value                             Description          
*client_id       Application Client ID.
*client_secret    Application Client Secret.
*grant_type         password             In this case, it must be ‘password’.
*scope  gam_user_data+gam_user_roles Scope of the user account you want to access.
*username   Username of the user to be authenticated.
*password   Password of the user to be authenticated.
authentication_type_name local       Authentication type name; by default, it uses the default Authentication Type of the Repository.
initial_properties   User custom properties array.
repository   Only use if the IDP is multitenant.
request_token_type OAuth Determines the token type to return and, based on that, the Security Policy to be applied. By default it is OAuth, and the other possible value is Web.

additional_parameters:  Use if you want to get more user information.

Check possible Scopes: OAuth User Scopes.

Initial Properties Example


Postman Example



    "access_token": "ae47229f-e133-42d1-87e0-c5ac59e51edf!c0f5aadd56fb7e1305e7c7abac8ee497d8d640ab446af07149fba8b2a3cad8321ad3c052dd65a7@SSORT!ae47229f-e133-42d1-87e0-c5ac59e51edf!0c6fe15b76f14f5b8a0805c1b6c20",
    "token_type": "Bearer",
    "expires_in": 0,
    "refresh_token": "",
    "scope": "gam_user_data+gam_user_roles+session_initial_prop",
    "user_guid": "736c85fa-5123-437d-a528-93471d3bae42"

This response follows the GAMOAuth20AccessToken External Object structure.

Note: To receive a refresh token, you must change the default value of the property Maximum OAuth token renewals in GAM Security Policies, and set the time that this Token will take to expire.

2. User Info

userinfo: Send the access_token obtained in the previous request and get the user info depending on the scopes you have indicated.





Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded. Type of content that will be returned.

Authorization: access_token obtained.

Postman example



    "guid": "492c664b-8831-4efb-8618-0c8e86e75446",
    "username": "admin",
    "email": "",
    "verified_email": true,
    "first_name": "Administrator",
    "last_name": "User",
    "external_id": "",
    "birthday": "2000-01-01",
    "gender": "N",
    "url_image": "https://",
    "url_profile": "",
    "phone": "+598",
    "address": ".",
    "city": ".",
    "state": ".",
    "post_code": ".",
    "language": "Eng",
    "timezone": ".",
    "application_data": "",
    "CustomInfo": "",
    "roles": [

This response follows the GAMOAuth20UserInfo External Object structure.

3. Refresh Token

access_token: In this case, you send a refresh token to get a new Token.





Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded. Type of content that will be returned.

                               Tag                                        Value             Description
*client_id   Application Client ID.
*client_secret   Application Client Secret.
*grant_type refresh_token In this case, it must be “refresh_token”.                      

Postman Example: refreshtoken_png


    "access_token": "ae47229f-e133-42d1-87e0-c5ac59e51edf!f5b06a969d6ca0a6824318bad9fddd3d72913c1e9118ff9d34a4d117c2f6caa749586f4fee99f2@SSORT!ae47229f-e133-42d1-87e0-c5ac59e51edf!0c6fe15b76f14f5b8a0805c1b6c20-IDP",
    "token_type": "Bearer",
    "expires_in": 6000,
    "refresh_token": "002iKhdKkZ5Xa1el62k2elnwQ24sg0fxwM8rYZc",
    "scope": "gam_user_data+gam_user_additional_data+gam_session_initial_prop+gam_user_roles",
    "user_guid": "492c664b-8831-4efb-8618-0c8e86e75446"

See Also

HowTo: Use GAM as an OAuth 2.0 provider
GAM - OAuth 2.0 Endpoints to use GAM as Web IDP Server

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