This article explains how to authenticate your users with WeChat using GeneXus Access Manager (GAM).
1. Enter to the GAM's Backend and go to the Authentication Types section. Create a new OAuth 2.0 Authentication Type and define basic information in the General section: Name, Description, Images (optional), etc.
2. In the Configuration section you need to define, for the General, Authorization, Token and User Information tab, the following:
Client ID: appid Value: <appid>
Client Secret: secret Value: <secret>
Redirect URL: redirect_uri Value: https://<server>/webapp
Response type TAG: response_type Value: code
Scope TAG: scope Value: snsapi_login
State TAG: state
Include ClientID and RedirectURL
Additional parameters:
Access code TAG: code
Error description TAG: errmsg
Token Method: POST
Header Cotent type: Content-type Value: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Grant type: grant_type Value: authorization_code
Include Access Code: True
Include Client Id: True
Include Client Secret: True
Include Redirect URL: True
Access token TAG: access_token
Token type TAG:
Expires in TAG: expires_in
Scope Tag: scope
User Id Tag: openid
Refresh token Tag: refresh_token
Error Description Tag: errmsg
Validate external token: True
Refresh token URL:
Method: Post
Header Content type: Content-type Value: application/json;charset=utf-8
Include Access Token: True Tag: access_token
Include Client Id: False
Include Client Secret: False
Include User Id: True
Additional Parameters: lang=en # Other options are zh_CN for Simplified Chinese, zh_TW for Traditional Chinese
User Email Tag: unionid
User External Id Tag: unionid
User Name Tag: unionid
User First Name: nickname Generate automatic Last Name: True
User Language Tag: language
Error Description Tag: errmsg
As of GeneXus 15 Upgrade 11.
GAM - OAuth 2.0 Authentication Type