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The Extension Library concept is introduced in GeneXus 15 to simplify the development of extensions for Native Mobile.

Library concept

A Library is a way to group implementation details for some extension points such as User Controls, External Objects, and External Providers for Smart Devices. It consists of two main components:

  • An XML-like file with extension *.library where the developer must list the extensibility components for each platform and their implementations.
  • The binaries and any other dependent file needed for the implementation.

The *.library file defines tags with a special semantic:

  • <ExtensionLibrary>...</ExtensionLibrary>
    Root tag indicates the begin-end of the library file.
    • <DependsOn>...</DependsOn>

Declare the dependencies that are needed for the .library. Initially, only a node of <ExtensionLibrary>ExtensionLibraryName</ExtensionLibrary> type is allowed (where ExtensionLibraryName is a string with the name of the dependant extension library). For example, FirebaseAnalytics extension libraries could depend on a Firebase extension library, in which case the initialization code of Firebase is added.

  • <Implements>...</Implements>
    Lists whose components are implemented in the library.
    The tags for its items must match the GeneXus object name. A few examples below:
    • <ExternalObject name="my_external_object" />
      Refers to an External Object implementation.
      • <Method>MethodName</Method>
        It is used to add a library extension when using a particular method of an external object. Available since GeneXus 18 Upgrade 8.
    • <UserControl name="my_user_control" />
      Refers to a User Control implementation.
    • <NotificationProvider name="my_notification_provider" />
      Refers to a notification provider implementation.
    • <CacheProvider name="my_cache_provider" />
      Refers to a cache provider implementation.
    • <StorageProvider name="my_storage_provider" />
      Refers to a storage provider implementation.
    • <Procedure name="my_procedure_name" />
      Refers to a full-qualified name Procedure object implementation. Available since GeneXus 16 Upgrade 11.


  • <Android>...</Android>
    Indicates the implementation of dependencies for the Android generator.
    Also, it defines special tags.
    • <ModuleClass>...</ModuleClass>
      Class instantiated at runtime responsible for mapping the extension to the components that use it. Optional*.
    • <GroupId>...</GroupId>
      Package group identifier for Maven repository where there are AAR files that implement the library (with its transitive dependencies). Optional*.
    • <Name>...</Name>
      Name of the library in the Maven repository. Optional*.
    • <Version>...</Version>
      Version code of the library in the Maven repository. Optional*.
    • <GradleExtensionFile>...<GradleExtensionFile>
      Optional. A *.gradle file for a library building. Use this option if you want to include external libraries' references.
Note: Extension Libraries authors no longer have to add standard Maven repositories to their library definitions for Android because they're now included. Therefore, since GeneXus 16 U5, it is no longer necessary to include this extension.

* As of GeneXus 17 upgrade 4 it's no longer necessary to add these values; now it is possible to create extension libraries without build.gradle dependencies.

Indicates the implementation dependencies for the iOS generator.

Attributes: Platforms

Optional. It allows indicating the Apple platforms for which this extension is planned, separated by commas.

Values: iOS, tvOS, watchOS.

  • <ModuleClass>...</ModuleClass>
    Optional. Class instantiated at runtime responsible for mapping the extension to the components that use it. It is optional if the only component using the extension is a User Control.
  • <PodFile>...</PodFile>
    Optional. A *.pod complete filename for indicating the library dependencies.
  • <XCProjExtensionFile>...</XCProjExtensionFile>
    Optional. An XML filename for extending the generated XCode project.
  • <CopyListFile>...</CopyListFile>
    Optional. An XML filename which lists a set of files or directories to be copied to the generated project.
  • <DisableBitcode>true</DisableBitcode>
    Optional. Use it to disable the Bitcode property if the project contains extensions that do not support it.
  • Also, it defines special tags (details on this site).


For example, take the *.library file defined as follows:

       <UserControl name="MyUserControl"/> 
       <UserControl name="MyUserControlVariant"/>
       <ExternalObject name="MyExternalObject"/>

As we mentioned before, the <ModuleClass> tag references a class where each component is initialized.

The mylibraryextension.gradle file could add the following to reference the public repository; add whatever is needed:

repositories {

Android initialization code sample

class com.mypackage.MyExtensionLibraryClassName {

    public void initialize(Context context) {

         UserControlDefinition ucDefinition = new UserControlDefinition("MyUserControl", MyUserControl.class);

         UserControlDefinition ucDefinition = new UserControlDefinition("MyUserControlVariant", MyUserControlVariant.class);

         ExternalApiDefinition apiDefinition = new ExternalApiDefinition("Module.Example.MyExternalObject", MyExternalObject.class);

         // Other components initialization.

The Library itself details which component is implemented. The External Object does not need to fill the platform-specific parameters.

iOS initialization code sample

public class MyExtensionLibraryClassName: NSObject, GXExtensionLibraryProtocol {

    public func initializeExtensionLibrary(withContext context: GXExtensionLibraryContext) {

        GXActionExternalObjectHandler.register(MyGXActionExternalObjectHandlerSubclass.self, forExternalObjectName: "Module.Example.MyExternalObject")

        // Other components initialization, except for User Controls because GeneXus automatically generates the mapping by using the UC definition.



Note that the implementation uses Swift language. In this case, the @objc(MyExtensionLibraryClassName)notation must be used in order to instantiate this class at runtime via reflection.


Android support as of GeneXus 15 Upgrade 3.
iOS support as of GeneXus 15 Upgrade 6.

See Also

User Controls for Native Mobile applications
External Objects for Native Mobile Applications

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