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This is part of the GXquery 4.0 Lab and should be done after Exercise 2.


The purpose of this exercise is to create a Table that shows the tourist attractions of every city in every country, grouped by category.

A GXquery Table is a group of Query Elements arranged in rows and columns by the designer.

Step 1

To create a Table, click on the New query link on the Shortcuts panel and then select the Table icon.

Gxquery4 - Choosing Table

Step 2

Next, you will see the dialogue window.

GXquery4 - New query dialog

In the Name cell, write AttractionsPerCategory (without spaces) as the query name and press the OK button, leaving the other two dialogue fields as they are.

Next, you will see a screen divided into areas that contain labels. This is the Table, but in editing status.

GXquery4 - Editing Table empty

Step 3

1. Open the node of the Attraction folder on the Attributes panel.

2. Drag and drop the attributes Country, City, Category and Attraction in the row sector (it says “Drop table attributes here” inside).

The image should be similar to the one below.

GXquery4 - Editing Table with QE

3. Press View. You should see an image similar to the one below:

GXquery4 - Table in View mode

Next Step

Exercise 4


Before getting started
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Exercise 4
Exercise 5


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