This menu allows you to set when an event is created.
Enable: It allows enabling the events audit.
New Instance: It allows setting whether new instance events (task or process events) must be audited or not.
State Change: It allows setting whether change of status events must be audited or not.
Priority Change: It allows setting whether change of priority events of tasks or processes must be audited or not.
Assignment Change: It allows setting whether change of task assignment events must be audited or not.
Data Change: It allows setting whether change of application data value events must be audited or not.
Warning: It allows setting whether task warning events must be audited or not. This event occurs when a task or process is about to expire.
Deadline: It allows setting whether deadline events must be audited or not. This event occurs when a task or process expires.
Error: It allows setting whether error events must be audited or not (for example, when a user enters a wrong password).
Condition Nonsatisfied: It allows setting whether unmatched condition events must be audited or not.
Resource Nonavailable: It allows setting whether unavailable resource events must be audited or not. These events occur when the list of users enabled to execute a task is empty.
External: It allows setting whether external (to the system) error events must be audited or not.
Action Performed: It allows setting whether actions executed on document events must be audited or not.