This preference makes it possible to maintain compatibility with Knowledge Bases migrated from GXflow 9.0 U1. This compatibility is related to the concept of restrictions that in version X has been changed to organizational units. In the case of restrictions, a user with no restrictions was able to view all process instances, and in organizational units a user with no associated unit is not allowed to view any process instance.
Null Organizational Unit Assignment Behavior Preference (Deprecated)
- Current Version: The user can't view process instances with organizational units that he/she doesn't have.
- Version 9.0 and prior: The user views process instances with organizational units that he/she doesn't have.
Default: Current Version
Disable process selection in Start New Process dialog
When set to yes, the processes with various start symbols cannot be started all at once by selecting the process name. Instead, the desired one will have to be selected.
GXflow Organizational Units
GXflow Organizational Units Definitions