The Workflow Scripts is a group of external executables that perform complementary functions to those of the Workflow client. In this article, you can find a list of them, along with their functions and how to run them.
These executables are located in the bin folder of the environment directory.
It deletes the history of processes finished up to a certain date, which is sent as a parameter. The date format is mm/dd/yyyy.
C:\Models\<KB>\CSharpModel\Web\bin>apwfcleanhistory.exe 03/23/2024
Clean Workflow History
7 Process Instances deleted
22 Workitems deleted
8 Events deleted
No longer in use, is recommending using apwflicenseutil instead.
Checks for the deadlines and executes the corresponding events. Deprecated, it is recommended to use the apwftimercontrol instead.
C:\Models\<KB>\CSharpModel\Web\bin> apwfdeadlinechecker.exe
Calls apwfdeadlinechecker once every certain period of time, passed as a parameter. Deprecated, it is recommended to use the apwftimerscheduler instead.
C:\Models\<KB>\CSharpModel\Web\bin> apwfdeadlinescheduler.exe 60
When the Enable Deferred Completion property is enabled, in each execution, the procedure will complete the workitems pasted to it, will create the corresponding successor workitems and will update the users worklists.
C:\Models\<KB>\CSharpModel\Web\bin> apwfdeferredcomplete.exe
Calls apwfdeferredcomplete once every certain period of time, passed as a parameter.
C:\Models\<KB>\CSharpModel\Web\bin> apwfdeferredcompletescheduler.exe 60
Generates an XML at the specified path with the data of the GAM roles, excluding the default GXflow roles.
C:\Models\<KB>\CSharpModel\Web\bin> apwfexportgamroles.exe "<path>\Roles.xml"
Generates an XML at the specified path with the equal to the data.xml.
C:\Models\<KB>\CSharpModel\Web\bin> apwfgendataxml.exe "<path>\data.xml"
It will display information about the GeneXus version of the knowledge base.
C:\Models\<KB>\CSharpModel\Web\bin> apwfgetversion.exe
Impacts the database, requires bpdeploy.xml to be passed as a parameter.
C:\Models\<KB>\CSharpModel\Web\bin> apwfgendataxml.exe "<path>\bpdeploy.xml"
Executes an initialization process in order to create the permissions and roles, necessary for the correct operation of the gxflow runtime when using GAM.
Manages the licenses with the following options:
-c: Clean the license and return the license info
-e: Export the license
-i: Import the license. Requires a second parameter with the license info
Cleans records from the WFSessions table that stores the user sessions.
C:\Models\<KB>\CSharpModel\Web\bin> apwfmaintenance.exe
Migrates the GXflow roles to GAM.
C:\Models\<KB>\CSharpModel\Web\bin> apwfmigraterolestogam.exe
Migrates the GXflow users to GAM.
C:\Models\<KB>\CSharpModel\Web\bin> apwfmigrateuserstogam.exe
Rebuilds the worklists of all users.
C:\Models\<KB>\CSharpModel\Web\bin> apwfrebuildworklists.exe
Rebuild worklists started at 05/15/24 02:36 PM
Cleaning sessions
Cleaning worklists
Processing worklist for workitem: 5
Processing worklist for workitem: 8
Processing worklist for workitem: 11
Updating worklists...
Rebuild worklists finished sucessfully at 05/15/2024 02:36:35 PM
Elapsed time: 2s
3 worklist items created
synchronizes GAM and Workflow users, creating users in Workflow if they exist in GAM and removing them from Workflow if they do not exist in GAM.
C:\Models\<KB>\CSharpModel\Web\bin> apwfsynchronizegamusers.exe
Synchronizing user: admin
Synchronizing user roles
Synchronizing user: usergam
Synchronizing user roles
Synchronizing user: wfadministrator
Synchronizing user roles
Trying to delete user: usergxflow
Checks for the deadlines and executes the corresponding events
C:\Models\<KB>\CSharpModel\Web\bin> apwftimercontrol.exe
Calls once every certain amount of time the apwftimercontrol.
C:\Models\<KB>\CSharpModel\Web\bin> apwftimerscheduler.exe 60
C:\Models\<KB>\CSharpModel\Web\bin> apwfmigratedocumentstocloud.exe