This article describes how to get data from the Workflow Server using the Workflow API.
With the Workflow Server data type, you can list several workflow objects of your app: process definitions, activities, business events, calendars, process instances, and workitems.
For example, you can get a list of the workitems and display it in a Web Panel Grid by defining and executing the following code:
Event Start
Event Grid.Refresh
&WorkflowWorkitems=&WorkflowServer.ListWorkitemsOrderBy(&WorkflowFilter, WorkflowOrder.CREATED_ASC)
Event Grid.Load
For &WorkflowWorkitem in &WorkflowWorkitems
&WorkflowWorkitemId = &WorkflowWorkitem.Id
&WorkflowActivityName = &WorkflowWorkitem.Activity.Name
&WorkflowWorkitemState = &WorkflowWorkitem.State.Substring(&WorkflowWorkitem.State.LastIndexOf(!".")+1, 10)
&WorkflowSubject = &WorkflowWorkitem.ProcessInstance.Subject
&WorkflowUserName = &WorkflowWorkitem.Participant.Name
&Created = &WorkflowWorkitem.Created
Where the data type variables are as follows:
&WorkflowServer – WorkflowServer
&WorkflowFilter – WorkflowFilter
&WorkflowWorkitems – WorkflowWorkitem (Collection)
&WorkflowWorkitem – WorkflowWorkitem
It is possible to get a list of other objects in a similar way; read more in Workflow Server Data Type.
You can also get a specific object with the following code:
&WorkflowWorkitem = &WorkflowServer.GetWorkitemById(&WorkitemId)
Where the data type variables are as follows:
&WorkflowServer – WorkflowServer
&WorkflowWorkitem – WorkflowWorkitem
&WorkitemId – WorkflowWorkItemId
It is also possible to get a list of other objects in a similar way; read more in Workflow Server Data Type.
Workflow API