Each GXflow user has a worklist (a list of the pending tasks), the purpose of the Rebuild Worklist is to reconstruct all the user's worklists.
The rebuild is done automatically by default each time there is a change in the Organizational Structure of the server, but for performance reasons, it can be deactivated by setting the property Rebuild worklist when Org. Struct. changes to No. A manual Rebuild Worklist may be necessary if this happens. It can also be necessary if you have the Organizational Model Cache activated. Due to the cache mechanism used is inprocess (not distributed), if there is a server farm the cached information will always be somewhat different from each other at some point, for example, if a role is assigned to a user in a server and from another server an instance task is created with this role associated, the user will not see this task. When a rebuildworklist is done by command line this is always done with fresh data regardless of whether the cache is enabled or not, so the worklist will be reconstructed correctly.
Note that while the rebuild is running, users are locked out, so it is recommended to do it outside of office hours.
To execute a RebuildWorlist you must do the following:
Execute the file apwfrebuildworklists.exe from a command line, there is no existing parameters to add. For example:
C:\Models\<KB>\CSharpModel\Web\bin> apwfrebuildworklists.exe
Execute the file apwfrebuildworklists.dll from a command line, there is no existing parameters to add. For example:
C:\Models\<KB>\NetModel\Web\bin> apwfrebuildworklists.dll
The rebuild procedure is located in the <application>\WEB-INF\classes\com\gxflow folder. To run it, set the current working directory to "\classes" level folder and execute it as follows:
C:\..\<application>\WEB-INF\classes>java -cp ".\com\gxflow";.;"..\lib\*"; com.gxflow.apwfrebuildworklists
If the rebuild is executed an output similar to this will be displayed:
Rebuild worklists started at 12/15/22 03:43 PM
Cleaning sessions
Cleaning worklists
Processing worklist for workitem: 2
Updating worklists...
Rebuild worklists finished sucessfully at 12/15/2022 03:43:46 PM
Elapsed time: 1s
1 worklist items created
Optimization to build the worklist