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During the saving of a process diagram a check process is performed to validate the diagram. The list that follows shows the message that can appear during the save of a Business Process Diagram.  

warning: 'Condition rule' property is empty ('Diagram')
No conditions were entered in the condition rules.
warning: 'Application' property is empty ('Diagram,%1')
No application was entered in the Application property in the User Task mentioned.
warning: 'Procedure' property is empty ('Diagram,%1')
No procedure was entered in the Procedure property in the Script Task mentioned.
warning: 'Lapse expression rule' property is empty ('Diagram,IntermediateEvent')
No expression was entered in the 'Lapse expression rule' property.
warning: Only one start none event is allowed ('Diagram')
Only one Start None Event is supported in a process.
error: Activity  must have at least one incoming sequence flow connector and one outgoing sequence flow connector ('Diagram,Gateway)

This error occurs when an Activity doesn't have at least one incoming sequence flow or one outgoing sequence flow connector.


error: Gateway must have at least one incoming sequence flow connector and one outgoing sequence flow connector ('Diagram,Gateway')
This error occurs when a Gateway doesn't have at least one incoming sequence flow or one outgoing sequence flow connector.
error: End event must have at least one incoming sequence flow connector ('Diagram,EndEvent1')
This error occurs when an End Event don't have at least one incoming sequence flow connector.
error: Start event must have at least one outgoing sequence flow connector ('Diagram,StartEvent1')
This error occurs when a Start Event doesn't have at least one outgoing sequence flow connector.
error: Validation failed for 'Application' property: wrong number of parameter mappings ('Diagram,Request')
This error occurs when the number of parameter differs between the Application and the Relevant Data.
error: Type mismatch in mapping between parameter %1 and relevant data %2
This error occurs when there is a type mismatch between the Application parameter and the relevant data.
error: Embedded subprocess can only have one None start event ('Diagram,StartEvent1')
This error occurs when an Embedded subprocess has more than one None Start Event.
error: Validation failed for 'Condition procedure' property: ('Diagram,Task')
This error occurs when the procedure associated to a condition has an invalid value.
error:  Procedure has invalid signature, it must be like: 'parm(in: &process [WorkflowProcessDefinition], in: &instance [WorkflowProcessInstance], in: &workitem [WorkflowWorkitem], out: code [Numeric(4)]);'
This error occurs when the procedure parm rule differs from the expected value.

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